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Elektronen microscoop preparatie apparatuur
Fischione Instruments
Plasma cleaner Model 1020
For optimal imaging and microanalysis in electron microscopy, it is imperative to have a clean, well-prepared specimen. This is especially true for many modern electron microscopes, which employ high brightness electron sources, such as LaB6 filaments and field emission (FE) guns. Such high brightness systems combine a small electron probe for microanalysis with increased beam current density, giving high resolution specimen imaging as well as enhanced analytical data. However, specimen contamination rates tend to increase as probe size decreases and beam current density increases. This places greater importance on the quality of the specimen and the cleanliness of both the specimen and the specimen holder. The Model 1020 Plasma Cleaner effectively removes hydrocarbon contamination from most materials research specimens and specimen holders.
Twin-jet Electropolisher Model 110
Electrolytic thinning of conductive materials is an effective method of producing electron transparent foils for transmission electron microscopy (TEM). By chemically removing material from the sample, TEM specimens are made quickly and without any induced mechanical damage. The Model 110 Twin-Jet Electropolisher employs two jets to direct the electrolyte flow onto the sample material, simultaneously polishing both sides of the specimen.
Dimpling Grinder Model 150
In the preparation of high-quality specimens for TEM, it is desirable for the specimen to have a large electron transparent area for analysis, but yet be rugged. One technique which accomplishes both of these prerequisites is dimpling. Dimpling involves rotating the specimen about one axis while in contact with a grinding wheel, which rotates about an orthogonal axis, providing a specimen with a central area reduced to a thickness of a few microns. Material removal is accommodated by a slurry of a chosen grinding media. By only thinning the central area of the specimen, a rugged outer rim remains, eliminating the need for special handling techniques for fragile specimens.
Specimen Grinder Model 160
During preparation of TEM specimens, the quality of the initial disk determines the overall quality of the final specimen. The Model 160 Specimen Grinder provides an accurate and dependable means of mechanically prethinning the specimen. Rotation of the control knob advances the specimen at a rate of 500 mm per full rotation. With the calibrated, graduated scale on the Model 160, the specimen thickness is easily and precisely controlled.
Ultrasonic Disk Cutter Model 170
Ultrasonic disk cutting is a proven method for producing TEM specimens from hard, brittle materials, such as ceramics, semiconductors and geological materials. This rapid technique directly produces disk specimens from materials as thin as 40 mm, cylindrical rods up to 10 mm in length from bulk samples, or rectangular wafers which are subsequently used in the preparation of cross-section TEM (XTEM) specimens.
Ion Mill Model 1010
For many of today’s advanced materials, analysis by transmission electron microscopy (TEM) is the only recourse for gathering valuable information about material structure and properties. For the preparation of TEM specimens, ion beam milling is an excellent technique for creating electron transparent area. The Model 1010 Ion Mill is an advanced, compact, table-top, precision ion milling/polishing system which consistently produces high-quality TEM specimens with large electron transparent areas.
Automated Sample Prep (ASaP) Model 1030
SEM samples are typically prepared with processes such as cleaving, mechanical grinding, or focused ion beam (FIB) cutting. The Model 1030 Automated Sample Prep (ASaP) System is a powerful and flexible tool that can significantly enhance image quality and analytical data from samples that have been prepared by these techniques. It combines the features of Plasma Cleaning (PC), Ion Beam Etching (IBE), Reactive Ion Beam Etching (RIBE), Reactive Ion Etching (RIE), and Ion Beam Sputter Coating (IBSC). The user can define arbitrary sequences of any of these functions with an easy-to-use, graphical interface. Following insertion into a rapidly pumped airlock, the sample remains under continuous vacuum while the instrument automatically performs the desired sequence of operations. The Model 1030 ASaP is well suited for high throughput applications due to its short processing times.
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